Philips' marketing strategy for LIGHTFAIR 2013 was a true game-changer, shifting the focus towards solution-based segments rather than brand-based divisions in this 170x60 exhibit. With this fresh approach, our account team was able to transform the exhibit space into a breathtaking showcase of innovative lighting solutions.
Healthcare area featured key products within long term care and acute care vignettes. The Office envrionment recreated meeting room, corridor space as well as various cubbies to highlight award winning products.
As a member of this dynamic team, I played a key role in bringing this vision to life. From creating initial floor plans and unique vignette concepts for each segment to integrating hundreds of new lighting products into various construction styles, my responsibilities were varied and challenging. But I rose to the occasion, helping to track and coordinate the vast array of products and controls and designing product maps for the various areas. I also played a vital role in coordinating fabrication in our warehouses, using tools like 3ds Max and ACADs to bring these concepts to life in stunning detail. I loved having the opportunity to have contributed to its success.